Ile Rien
Standalone Novels Set in Ile-Rien
The Element of Fire Tor, 1993
The kingdom of Ile-Rein lies in peril, menaced by sorcerous threats and devious court intrigues. It falls to Thomas Boniface, Captain of the Queen's Guard and Ravenna's former lover, to sort out who is friend, who is foe in a deadly game to keep the Dowager Queen and the kingdom she loves from harm. But is one man's steel enough to counter all the magic of fayre?
The Death of the Necromancer
Avon Eos, 1998
Nicholas Valiarde is the greatest thief in all of Ile-Rien. Under cover of darkness on the streets of the gaslit city, he assumes the guise of a master criminal, stealing jewels from wealthy nobles to finance his quest for vengeance: the murder of Count Montesq. But now Nicholas's murderous mission is being interrupted by a series of eerie, unexplainable, fatal events. Someone with tremendous magical powers is opposing him, and traces of a necromantic power that hasn't been used for centuries appear.
The Fall of Ile-Rien Trilogy
The Wizard Hunters HarperCollins, 2003
A mysterious army known only as the Gardier has surrounded Ile-Rien, attacking in ominous black airships. When a magical spell goes disastrously awry, young Tremaine Valiarde and a brave band are transported to another world. A world of rough magics, evil mages, honorable warriors -- and a secret Gardier base.
The Ships of Air HarperCollins, 2004
To save the remnants of her country, former playwright Tremaine Valiarde undertakes an epic journey to stop the Gardier. Rescuing the proud ship Queen Ravenna from destruction, Tremaine and a resolute band of warriors and mages set sail across magical seas on a voyage of danger and discovery.
The Gate of Gods
HarperCollins, 2005
Aided by the warrior Ilias and a band of adventurers--including her mercurial, formidable father, Nicholas--Tremaine Valiarde has found a hidden Gardier base and, ranging on the wild, magical seas, what may be the clues to stopping the relentless Gardier. Amid turmoil and danger, only the discovery of a secret portal holds any hope of saving what is left of Ile-Rien.
Between Worlds: the Collected Ile-Rien and Cineth Stories, 2015
Originally published as part of Six by Six: A New Kind of Spec-Fic Anthology. Contains all five previously published short stories set in Ile-Rien and Cineth, plus a new story, "Night at the Opera," set before The Death of the Necromancer and featuring Reynard Morane and Nicholas Valiarde.
The Stories
"The Potter's Daughter" Elemental May 2006
Set before The Element of Fire
"Holy Places" Black Gate #11 August 2007, Lightspeed Magazine #42 November 2013
Ilias is abandoned by the Finan family and finds Andrien, just as the house is attacked.
"Rites of Passage", April 2014
The first wizard hunt.
"Houses of the Dead" Black Gate #12 July 2008
Giliead is called to investigate a strange happening in godless territory.
"Reflections" Black Gate #10 March 2007
A typical day for a Chosen Vessel.
"Night at the Opera" Between Worlds: the Collected Ile-Rien and Cineth Stories May 2015
A noble Rienish family asks Reynard Morane to thwart a sorcerous blackmailer, and he recruits a reluctant Nicholas Valiarde to help.
The original map of the palace in Vienne, drawn by artist Scott McCullar.
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